
Thursday, May 28, 2015

(Update) Oh man...what a day on steam market!

I tried my way in the steam market today and got my results.
I made a profit! But not the one I expected to be honest

 When you first enter the market you get to see the most traded items.
I chose to try a CS:GO since I saw big movements into the positive.

After hours of waiting I got myself a
AK-47 Redline.

4 Euros

Actually, a really decent price. The lowest price was about ~3.2, but that's a nightmare to get

So today, after I did my finals in university...

A barrage of AK's for sale at the same price

And let me tell you...

That's a bad sign the price isn't going up

And sadly the market got cluterred bad
 Also, on the chroma 2 case situation!

It went up from 20 to 40 cents, so I was wrong in a way buttt crashed right afterwards.

The market is crazy.

I'll update after I make a new play. See you until then

For today...14 cent profit. Thanks 0.60 Euro sale tax steam!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

(day) trade on steam?

Yep, it really exist. And we call it "Market"

The thing is: if you find the certain "secret" items, that might become more valuable as time goes by, so you get an incredible opportunity to buy items on the market and sell them for a profit like the real stock exchange. The main factor here is: the demand and the number of items available.

And the steam market has, by far, some of the most amazing flactuations.

Just today Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The chroma 2 case market for CS:GO (one of the biggest item market on steam) shows just how bad some items can crash

The case that previously cost 0.60 cents can be bought at 20 cents.

That difference is amazing and it really raises questions on whether it would be an interesting play. Let's say

We buy 10 cases and they just go up in price overnight. 2 euros/dollars could easily become 3 euros or 4, and that is just the lowest speculiation.

But, my suggestion is this: Avoid doing that. Those cases have lost worth (might be even permanently). And the reason? A lot of case drops? New players?
A new set of cases.
I say study the market and look for information that might reveal what kind of items might rise in price. 

The main goal in trading in the steam market always is. Buy low sell high.


 And if you can afford it, try placing orders on items. You never know what kind of inexperienced person can accidentally sell an item far too low and give you room for big profit
 For the benefit of all blog readers I will update my blog with similar posts on items that can be bought for a wonderful price. This little post can act as the introductory post, the next ones will be real gems of the steam market.

Remember! Making money this way is passive income for your steam account. No reason to spend  10 hours idling and trading scrap when you can make money directly!