
Monday, December 9, 2013

Back for the holidays

Hello everyone

After my first semester at University, I am glad to be back at home. It was a wild ride, and it won't stop any time soon, but I am glad to back for the Christmas holidays after ending my semester with great results.

I gotta be honest, I missed working on new videos, and I most definitely missed working new content for my subscribers and blog visitors.

As for now I am not certain what I want to work on now, but I have more then enough time to figure it out.

I will keep you updated as soon as I have something ready. See ya!

( this list needs ↓ an update in my opinion) : D

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Why you HAVE to play Deus ex if you haven't done so before!

If you have never experienced Deus Ex in your younger days, then, talking out of my personal experience, I HIGHLY suggest you taking the time to play this pearl of a video game.
There are just so many things I thought was awesome about this game and I can't wait to tell about it!

 Deus Ex is a nano punk/cyberpunk-themed action-role playing video game — combining first-person shooter, stealth and role-playing elements.
Set in a dystopian world during the year 2052, the central plot follows rookie United Nations Anti-Terrorist Coalition agent JC Denton, as he sets out to combat terrorist forces, which have become increasingly prevalent in a world slipping ever further into chaos. As the plot unfolds, Denton becomes entangled in a deep and ancient conspiracy, encountering organizations such as Majestic 12, the Illuminati, and the Hong Kong Triads throughout his journey.

But that was just the formality. There are tons of content in this game that I can't wait to talk about.

1. Combat
One of the most satisfying part of this game. You can choose these following ways of going through missions:
1.1 kick ass, kill everyone and move on
1.2 sneak to every enemy and take them out without  anyone ever knowing you were present
1.3 maneuver through drains and tunnels without harming a single enemy
1.4 do a bit of everything

All in all, I think stealth was the most satisfying way to play the game. Stealth can be a really difficult challenge at the start of the game, but as you progress and get new abilities and weapons, you will feel like playing an open world Hitman which is of course AWESOME in every way.
2. Actions and Consequences
This is one of the most unique features in a LOT of modern videogames. I'll give a really funny example:
My mission was to find the doctor of my headquarter. I was searching for several minutes and I accidentally stumbled into a women's bathroom. After returning to my boss he actually made a little comment about how bad it makes the company look bad if I do these kinds of actions.
I mean really, small details like that make games so memorable!
That was of course not everything. There are so many given moments where you can decide your future by acting a certain way. You are given the choice to kill people and some even cause other important characters to have a different view about you. That is something even the great Elder Scrolls series fails to implement in their newest games.
3. Story
It sadly is very linear, but the given missions play in many different environments, the objectives aren't very repetitive, although there is a lot of walking involved. The story itself is very exciting and easily comparable to a good movie you would want to watch, especially conspiracy theory fans love this game. There are different endings.
4. Customization
Augmentations, skills, customizable firearms, an inventory allows you to choose the perfect features you want to have. You can customize your main character, the things mentioned above focus solely on the way you want to go through your missions like I mentioned in part 1.
5. My evaluation.
10/10. Exciting story, many different approaches in missions, customization, consequences for your actions, great stealth gameplay. The eye for detail we gamers miss in the modern day gaming. Even the linear gameplay doesn't stop you from searching for hidden secrets (and believe me there are tons of secrets!!)

Any minuses?
The graphics have gotten older in all these years and the voice acting sounds silly for modern standard. But believe me, the quality gameplay takes away all your attention off the aged graphics.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Gta V breaks 7 Guiness world records

1.    Best-selling action-adventure videogame in 24 hours
2.    Best-selling videogame in 24 hours
3.    Fastest entertainment property to gross $1 billion
4.    Fastest videogame to gross $1 billion
5.    Highest grossing videogame in 24 hours
6.    Highest revenue generated by an entertainment product in 24 hours
7.    Most viewed trailer for an action-adventure videogame

In a way I was suprised, but then again...hey! it's GTA we are talking about here!
With a 10/10 on almost every single game review website, it's obvious that just like it's predecessor- Gta IV, GTA V will be nominated as the game of the year award, and MOST likely win the title.

I myself haven't gotten the chance to play Gta V, because it's not released for the pc. But I did stick to the news on the release day and weeks afterwards to see what this baby has to offer.
Like I predicted/speculated after viewing the trailer, it seems Gta V sticked to everything they promised.
Stocks, diving, parachuting, tunable cars, different planes just like in Gta san andreas, a lot of interaction between the main characters, different mission approaches...

Any negative points? Yep. There are. Hardware limitations. I was shocked when I heared that Gta V was not sceduled for the new consoles: Xbox One and PS4. This, of course had an effect on the game. Body building mechanics were left out, a constant 50 or 60 fps on a 1080p video format, more peds (and just more content into the world map)

Nevertheless, Gta V turned out to be an awesome video, it is only sad that it did not come with the new generation of gaming that could have made Gta V a milestone of the new gaming technology.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Time to say goodbye

Don't worry, not forever!

Good evening dear blog browsers, Kaimas 7 here. I want to inform you all that on the 25th of August I will leave my current home and I will move to a bigger city for I am going to university. There is going to be a whole lot of new adjustments for me, so I want to inform you all that I won't have access to my current computer. That means no videos in the nearest future. That might change in the further future if I decide to bring my computer to my new apartment.
I will have a small laptop with me, so I might be able to
make new posts, but there is no chance of making new videos.
I want to thank you all who took time to support my blog and youtube channel by looking at the newest content. I had fun in producing new videos and I hope after this big break I will find new inspiration for new videos. Until that, thank you and I will see you again sometime.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Deadly Reflex: set up momentum bar

It's a simple process

Get yourself those mods:
Hud status bar

Install them. Hud status bar best with oblivion mod manager

Go to
Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\ini
there will be the files: 
DR Hud Status Bars
Hud Status Bars

then copy this text: found in DR Hud status bars

; ===================  Status Bar 0
; Display DR momentum

    set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct    "HUDcolorOrange"    ; 10, orange
    set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct    "DrMomemtum"        ; DR´s momemtum global
    set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct    "100"            ; Max is 100%
    set tnoHSB.hud_x to            0            ; Same x pos as standard bars
    set tnoHSB.hud_y to            70            ; A bit above standard bars so it stands out
    set tnoHSB.hud_min to            1            ; for technical reasons the momentum is min 1
                                    ; Size not given = HUDdefault = standard bar size

    SetStage tnoHSB 10 ; Init status bar 0

now paste this into the end of the file:  Hud Status Bars

 now you will see the deadly reflex momentum bar.
This following method works only for the momentum bars. Other bars take more precise work.
Hope this helped

Gta V vs Saints Row IV. Round two!

 I talked about Saints row 2 and Gta IV, but the battle doesn't stop there!.
In the month of August and September, Rockstar games and Volition Inc. will release each a new game of the series. Saints Row 4 and GTA V.
Turns out Gta V learned from their mistakes, while Saints Row learned to ignore their SR2 fanbase.

So what has Gta V to offer?
new ways to spend your money (buying stocks, real estate)
new San Andreas-level custumization (tattoos, cars, clothes)
hunting, underwater diving, racing, tennis, golf
new ways of doing missions (choices)
three main characters, accessible at any time (even on missions)
a great open world experience with a big map

So what does Saints row 4 promise?
super powers
alien enemies
a lot of new customization elements (cars, clothes)
mech robots
futuristic future stuff like teleporters
crazy sorts of weapons
tons of parodies
basicly everything Saints Row 3 had to offer (it was supposed to be dlc after all)

So the basic evaluation is this: Gta V sticks to it's traditions while giving the players what they want: tons of ways of spending time while not on missions. They realized that physics isn't everything, so they looked up to what San Andreas had to offer.
Saints Row 4 tries to be as crazy as possible. A lot of SR2 fans, including myself, are disappointed by the content because we really wanted more fun, but in a serious way of gameplay. SR 4, however doesn't focus itself on the classic gang life, but on aliens, spaceships and all kinds of ridiculous things.
I am sure there are players who enjoy the crazy stuff, but I am not one of them. For this, I prefer Gta V over SR 4, just because it knows how to deliver the gameplay people want.

It really is disappointing to see a fun, gang based game like SR2 turned to be some kind of alien superpower, US president, dubstep gun lollapalloza.

V wins this battle.

Saints Row 2 vs Gta IV. Fun vs realism

Hello everyone. Today I want to discuss a topic about two famous open world video games: Grand theft Auto and Saints Row.
Mainly...(drumroll) Saints Row 2 and Grand theft Auto 4.
Two great games. Yet, they are different.

Just recently I took the time to beat the main mission of Saints row 2 again, and I want to talk about the superiority of Saints row 2.

So what is the main objective of these two games?
Gta IV features 88 main missions + 46 missions from the dlc's
Saints row 2 features around 41 missions plus several dlc missions
Gta IV focuses on the main story and very little on the side activity.
Saints row 2 focuses a LOT on the side activity and offers great bonuses for completing challenges.

Now since this post is most about my opinion I will not waste time: Saints Row 2 was a better game for me. Sure, I, (like everyone else) was baffled by the open world of Liberty city, and the story was intriguing. However, after you beat the main mission there was practically nothing more for you to do. You could race for a short while, bring in cars for money, but the game itself never let you to chill out. The "realistic physics" ruined the fun in the driving experience and your health meter became your worst enemy.  Sure, dating and the internet was fun, but the lack of car customization and lack of the ability to buy property made Gta IV a dull game where your money couldn't be spend.

So what can I say about Saints Row 2? Since I have beaten it before, this time I did not listen to a single minute of the storyline. But that's good. It didn't ruin the game for me. What did made me happy was the mini mission activities like: the fuzz (you play as a cop and do fun stuff like stop ninjas and pirates from fighting each other), Septic Avenger (you spray properties with shit) and tons of other fun stuff. Car, home customization gave me a feeling of importance to get money.
The missions themselves were also better then Gta IV's. The fact that you could choose which mission to do at any point gave the player a lot of choice how he wants to advance. Either destroy an enemy faction instantaneously, or take every gang slowly apart. The missions involved a lot of destruction and innovative, non repetitive content. Sabotaging enemy gangs was the main objective, but sometimes you also had to save your gang members.

Both games could have certain flaws. But we have to look at it this way: the development of a video game takes a LOT of time and money, so sadly, a video game can't have everything put in it.  Gta IV brought great realism, but sacrificed extra content, Saints Row 2 brought in tons of fun content, but had to limit itself with the length of all the given content like the missions (which is not a big issue. I think the length was perfect, it didn't got boring)

All things said and done, I want to say that Saints Row 2 is much better then Gta IV. Just the fact that I wanted to still play a completed game proves that it has a lot after the main mission value, Gta IV sadly didn't.

I also wanted to compare Saints row 3, but sadly I did not manage to play it for a longer time to correctly evaluate it.
But I do know, that if you haven't played SR 2 or Gta IV yet, then you need to go for SR2.
It's no surprise SR2 is often called San Andreas 2.

Monday, July 22, 2013

My review: Elsweyr Anequina

Elsweyr Anequina

Elsweyr Anequina is a great mod which adds a new district to Oblivion. After you installed the rather large mod you will be able to explore a big new land. 4 new cities, several settlements, caves, forts, shrines, and beautiful rivers for you to see. Here are the pros and the cons:

I. Very detailed locations
II. Two new guilds you can join (a VERY big positive thing, not a often seen in mods)
III. A lot of np'cs you can interact with. New dialogues.
IV. A LOT of new character models. New custom enemies, rideable elephants!!!, new khajit npc's
V. A lot of new quests. Decent rewards, and the quests are serious.
VI. Good borders so you can directly cross the border with Cyrodiil and even Valenwood.
VII. TONS of new weapons, armors, treasures, food, and alchemic ingredients.
VIII. Almost every interior is furnished
IX. Every city has unique architecture.
X. Friendly monster npc's: a minotaur, leopards, oxes.
XI. Many hours of gameplay. We are talking Shivering Isles level. I am serious.

I. Some interiors aren't furnished (rare occasions).
II.The mod productions has been abandoned sadly, so there won't be any fixes anytime soon.
III. Clipping of items.
IV. Quests and npc's might encounter bugs sometimes. Though I seen it only 1 time.
V. Your game might face lags after installing this mod. Not a perfect mod for low end pc's.

I am glad you read this mod review. If you haven't seen the video presentation then visit my video:


Friday, July 12, 2013

Took some time off

Hey, hey hey

 I'ts Kaimas7, and I uploaded another video. It's still an Oblivion video, it's nothing serious, just  random gameplay that falls under the category "Video game logic". I thought it was hilarious to show how sometimes game developers don't think all things through.
 If someone actually keeps track with my blog then you might have noticed that I didn't post for two weeks or so. Well the reason is that I wanted to take a brake, and most importantly, after I saw that not one person voted in my poll I just though "Hey, why bother?" It's not like anyone cares. The results were 0 so I decided to keep control of this blog up with my 100% control since no one wants to participate. I am over it to be honest.
 For now I am planning on making another short video that showcases the mod "Elsweyr Anequina". It will be basically the same like Valenwood Improved, and of course a blog post with my review.
 After that I am thinking of switching over to Skyrim since Oblivion isn't that exciting anymore, but only Maybe. I found some awesome quest mods for Oblivion, so I might keep making Oblivion videos and reviews. I am just not sure how things will go.
I am also in the work of creating a new separate blog that will focus on some of my research online. I am still gathering material. I decided that I don't want to merge both blogs so they will be separate.
That's it for now.  I will try to make the mod presentation as soon as possible.

Have a nice weekend y'all.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My review: Valenwood Improved

Valenwood improved

Valenwood improved is a great mod which adds a new district into the Oblivion game. After a quick installation you will be able to go beyond the borders of Cyrodiil and explore the Valenwood district. 8 new cities, many villages, shrines, sightseeing locations, dungeons will be waiting for you. After playing the mod for several days I am glad to explain the pluses and minuses of Valendwood improved.

First, the pluses:
I. The cities in Valendwood improved have an unique layout and some, even new textures.
II. New armors for you to wear.
III. Many npc's in the cities and beyond.
IV. Enemies for you to fight while exploring the map.
V. Several quests for you to do.
VI. Valenwood connects perfectly with Cyrodiil through a border.
VII. A lot of forests for you to hunt in or camp in.

Now for the minuses:
I. Sadly, this mod has never been completed, so there are several things lacking: npc's in the cities in the south of the map
2.several city/village homes aren't furnished
3.the mod itself lacks a lot of details, so after exploring Valenwood you might soon lack interest.
II. translation is good, but not perfect- you might find german titles and words.
III. The mod is abandoned, so it won't be fixed in the future.

Now, you might ask yourself why I would promote Valenwood improved, when clearly it's isn't fully completed. Well, the truth of the matter is that Valenwood still offers a lot of beautiful scenery and a small world to explore in. The lacking details can be annoying, but let's look it at it this way: would you rather explore something new, but unfinished or have an inaccessible part of the map?

Looking at all those factors above I would gladly give Valenwood Improved a 8/10. I am glad I can travel to that place whenever I want rather then having an inaccessible part of the game.

  If you haven't seen the video then go to:

Friday, June 21, 2013

I will be absent the following week

Hello faithful companions

  I want to jump right into the thing that needs to be said. Tomorrow at 8 am I will leave town for 4 days with my friends. We will ride our bikes to take part in a festival, which is dedicated to celebrate the longest day in the year. We will have to beat 50 kilometers with plain bicycles. I am not sure my body will thank me for this, but I know this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.
  For that reason I obviously won't be able to work on more content that week. However, I do have a nice job for You. I just started a voting poll on the main page of my blog. It is on the right side of my main blog. I want You! to vote on your honest opinion. The voting poll will be opened for 4 days. That means I will see the results the day I return. The voting results will be my number 1 priority. If you want to see something different then this is your chance. If you vote for "Something completely different" then I might make a new vote with other suggestions.

 (On a personal note)  In the last days I haven't had a good idea for a video so I hope with this little adventure to find new ideas in nature itself.

Signing out
Kaimas 7

Sunday, June 16, 2013

(My opinion) Why the call of duty series failed

Hello everyone!

 Today I would really like to talk about something that I have thought about a lot in the last months. I just would like to rant a little bit about the call of duty series. Now, I am not going to completely bash this game, however I would really get my point across why this particular game series angers many players around the world (including me). I will focus on the multiplayer side of the games! Let's get started!

  For my first point I want to identify which games of the series are good and which are bad. The red vertical line separates the good and the bad games. The left shows the acceptable ones, the right side- the frustrating ones. Now I have to admit- I haven't played the first 3 call of duty games thoroughly. I don't really want to name the reason, but let's say it wasn't an age issue. I did however looked at the multiplayer game footage of the 3 call of duty games and I did not see any issues there.
I had the opportunity to play the first call of duty this year for a short while. I did finish the campaign on the hardest difficulty and even spend some minutes in the multiplayer, however I don't want to spend too much time talking about the first call of duty games! All I can say is that those game were great for their time, every newer game had more to offer then the last one and I think the developers kept the game series in a good line that way. The ww2 setting was loved by everyone.
    Now let's talk about Call of duty 4: Modern warfare. I spend much more time with cod4: modern warfare, though I did play modern warfare 2 before I played cod4. That helped me to see the improvements of the 2 games of the franchise. All I know is that Cod4 is still considered the milestone of the cod series, many people still worship it,  many still  play it daily. Now for the big question: Is cod4 better then cod MW2?? I am not completely sure to be honest! But let's check the image I made for the debate.↓↓↓↓

After viewing all the points I don't really have to introduce MW2. This is how I compare the two games, you might argue with the points but I think I couldn't describe the two games better at this point. Now moving on...
  Cod World at war and Black ops were developed by Treyarch. World at war takes place again in a ww2 setting while Black ops focuses on the cold war. I don't think I need to compare those two games. To make it short: Waw went back to the old ww2 setting, improved since the ww2 call of duty games (some might argue with that) but still included martyrdom, second chance (last stand), the Mp40 was overpowered (but I think they fixed it later). I liked Waw and not a lot of people complained about it.
Many say that black ops is just a shitty game, I however don't see a big problem with it except the unbalanced ak47u maybe. Treyarch had many new ideas like codpoints, they however did not remove second chance perk which is basically last stand, they used many different new guns and the game mechanic was different (to a certain extend). I guess it was disappointing to see second chance still in the game, however the new additions to the game balanced it out I guess. At least they didn't packaged mw2 over and sold it as a new game (which we will talk about right now). I  thought the Vietnam, Berlin Wall and Havana maps were INCREDIBLE. And several new things introduced like: sticks and stones, bullet in the chamber, wager matches, customizable emblem, emblems on guns just showed the hard work of Treyarch.
  And now let's talk about the really bad site of cod. I saved the worst for last, so to speak. Cod Mw3 and Black ops 2...oh boy. I really don't waste your precious time so I will keep it short. But damn, where do I start?

 I haven't played black ops 2, but I saw this video, and after watching it yourselves, you will know why: 

and here just a look how they present Cod: Ghosts. Just seeing that video explains a lot 

And now I want to sum everything up. You saw how I timeline of the cod series, and you saw the changes of the game. Now, some people might say that I treated the newer games unfairly, however this blog post is really based on many different opinions, not just my personal one. Maybe black ops 2 and modern warfare 3 aren't all that bad, but looking at the way the developers of Call of duty absolutely ignored the biggest issues with the series, just shows me what the cod series is all about- making empty promises. Perhaps they don't feel the need to change the game issues, if they already know, that people will buy their newest game no matter what. It is a great disappointment, but hey, Activision owns the game series, and nobody is forced to play their games.  Perhaps it's so frustrating that the newest games gain the most attention on the internet, machinima and all the others game reviewers rate the game very positively (I wonder why) and in this way fool people to try the new game.
 The newest Cod: Ghosts isn't released yet, but I can assure you: they did not learn a lesson. And they will never learn except the gamers of the world stop buying their repackaged games.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Weird situations

Hello everyone!

   You probably noticed that I already uploaded this weeks videos, but only now I made a blog post.  I really don't know what or who to blame but it just happened.
  Two new videos! Twice the material! This whole week I dedicated my time to capture the footage and I think I really filmed a decent video. I often read posts about people saying that mods are unnecessary and braking the original content of the game. My mission was to prove how much mods can change a game like Oblivion in a positive manner. My target- the Imperial City. I compared the different texture mods that are available to the game and showed the architectural changes that can be done by using mods. I think you guys will like this one, no storyline, no fights, just plain improvements. 
  On a different note: I am considering to open a vote on my blog. The main question is this: Should I move my main blog and youtube focus on some newer games like skyrim (or even something a lot different like the FPS games, mmorpg's and so on) or stay with Oblivion. The reason is that perhaps Oblivion is obsolete and I am filming footage of a game nobody cares for anymore. I would really appreciate any ideas. If I decide to open up a vote then I might do it in the next 3 days.
 I think that is it for now.
OH BOY I FORGOT!!! How do you like the new design of the blog? I changes the template and it looks much more organized I think. Now the sidebar allows you to choose the blog you want to read. No more scrolling just to find post you want. ( I can't believe I forgot this!!!)

Have a good weekend y'all

My videos:

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Next week adventures

Hello everyone :  )

 This week I was inactive because I had to study for my history exam, which happens to be tomorrow!. I don't have the energy to sit at my the books anymore, I guess tomorrow I will just let it happen. Hopefully the long years of learning history pays off.

 I can finally say that after the history exam I will be finally free (more or less) and my summer vacation will officially start, even though I will still have a german exam on the 18th this month (which doesn't bother me one bit). Also this week I will spam my university application to all universities I know.
 Tomorrow I will also start filming my new Oblivion video, showing off the beauty of what mods can do. I want to really compare the vanilla game and the changes introduced by mods. It might be a long video because I will compare every district of the Imperial city. I downloaded approximately 13 mods for now and download even more and then film the difference between the gameplay. I know it's damn hard work, but I just can't help myself.
Well, most likely I will make a new post after the video is uploaded on youtube. Till then, have a nice week and enjoy your summer.


The picture shows the mod changes.
(I will film it from a closer look)

Monday, May 27, 2013

The grand finale of the battle of the Forgotten

The grand finale is here

 Hello everyone! Today I am posting my last video of my series Oblivion: The battle of the Forgotten. Yep, the last video shows how the revolutionary attacks of the Forgotten come to an end and everything is decided on the battlefield. Well, I am not going to spoil anything too early so I hope you enjoy the last video of the series. This last part took me the longest time to make by far. I used 3 beautiful melodies for this video. I will link the songs in the end of my post. Like I said, there was lot of production values put into this video.
  What I also want to talk is that I am really happy about this series and the ending. The last videos were getting really difficult to make. The scripting, the npc placements, the storyline was just a bit too much to handle but I made it to the end. I can really see the results of my work and how much I improved on making videos especially using the Oblivion game engine. 
  Also, I have some good news about my personal life. This weekend I took my English exam at my school. It was all really exciting and new but I was really scared at some point. I won't know the results just yet, but I hope to see a good percentage. However, exactly next week I will have another exam which is even more important then my English one. I am not sure if I can find time to make something this week.
  Another note: now that my series at the end I am already thinking about something new. I don't have a real target yet, but I am thinking about making another Oblivion video series or perhaps just one video. I would love to make a mod showcase or an adventure video with taverns, treasures and all that. If anybody is reading this and wants to suggest me something try to write a personal message via this blog anonymously or write to my youtube account. In the mean time I might post a MW3 sniper montage I was preparing (just some good kills nothing serious) and the results of an experiment on making money online (more details later). 
Thank you for your time and visit my new video if you haven't already :)
the video:

the songs used in the video:

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The battle of the Forgotten part 4

Part 4 of my video series //

Hello everyone. Part 4 is being uploaded as I speak. A new video in my Oblivion story series. My surgery wounds are healing up and I so found the time to finish and post a new video. This video was a real tough challenge for me. The countless work put into the console codes and recording of this video made my wonder a little bit if this video series was really a good idea. I love the results of my work but I feel that my videos aren't really appreciated as much as I thought they would be. I am not doing this for some kind attention, however I thought that a completely new and original story would show that my channel is serious business now.
It just surprises me how sometimes you can get thousands of views by uploading a video that didn't took a long time/effort to make, but the hard work put into a specific video can get ignored. I mean just think, my two videos that involve the showcase of the mod "deadly reflex" got me 10 thousands views each where my 3 videos of the battle of the Forgotten got me 30 views all put together. I took me 1 hours to make each of the deadly reflex videos, whereas my Oblivion videos take 1-2 days to make one video and a whole week to create the storyline for each video.
Well, that was all I wanted to say, keep tuned for my next and probably last video of the Oblivion: the battle of the Forgotten series which I might record this weekend.

Cheers and have a nice day.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sorry no video this week :(

No video this week

  Hey everyone. I just want to say that this week has been a very tough one and I am not going to be able to make the fourth part of my Oblivion: the battles of the Forgotten this week. The main reason why I can't do it is the following: health issues. Yep, this Friday I underwent surgery for my toenail. The surgeon had to cut a part of my nail because I had an ingrown nail. My whole weekend consists of taking pain killers and just laying around. Basically I could film the new video if I wanted to, however the mild and sometimes severe pain just...distracts me from doing it. Sorry about that. But don't worry. Next week my condition should be a lot better and Friday I will have a free day from high school so I will most likely upload a new video by then, maybe even in the middle of the week.  However, what worries me even more is that on the 25th of this month I will have my English exam!! I am not all to worried about my English exam, the history exam is what really worries me. 
So that's that, thank you for your understanding my dear readers.
Your's truly
Kaimas 7
P.s: Here is a beautiful portrait of my toe  

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Happy International Workers' Day!

International Workers' Day!


 Today is supposed to be a day where (ironically) nobody goes to work, but I decided to work even harder today. A new video? Two new videos? Three new videos! All right, all right settle down! Today I am posting: a new Oblivion: the battle of the Forgotten and two funny Gta IV videos. I don't know if you all are excited about the gta videos, but I thought they would be nice, little funny addons to my youtube channel. Now onto the Oblivion video...
In part 3 the Forgotten push even more into the empire and they face greater resistance. Two battle scenes, and a LOT of work was put into the map animation. And to keep you all excited, I even put in a little hint into the video about what might happen in the next part of the series. It is a very abstract and uninformative hint. I hope you all have a nice day and I hope you enjoy my new videos. Peace :)

 Gta IV:

Monday, April 22, 2013

Second video! The battle continues!

Second video!  The battle continues!

Hey everyone, yep, a new video in my series Oblivion: the Forgotten battles. I want to keep this post short because there is actually not a lot of info about my new video. All I can say is that I learned a lot of new scripts to make the combat in my videos more fluent (no attacking npc's should attack  teammates anymore :D ). In this video I introduced only a little detail about the counterforce of the Cyrodiil empire (!!Spoiler!!)  (it's at the end of the video).Oh, I hope you guys don't  get the wrong idea, I captured a lot of action and there is a lot of  death and violence in this video!
On a personal note: 
For now I am very busy with my senior year of high school so the only time and place for the production of a new video is going to be the weekends, sorry about that. In the workdays I will try to think of new ideas for the series.

Thank you all and don't forget to check out the video! :)


Monday, April 15, 2013

New video, new series!

Wooo! New video finally released!

 After a little pause I am back with an exciting new Oblivion video! Not only that, I am hoping to create a new video series which is going to be called Oblivion: the battle of the Forgotten (this video series is going to be much longer and I hope much more exciting). The timeline should be set somewhere around the end of the Oblivion crisis and the end of the third era. Big battles, alliances, I hope you all enjoy this one, because it took me a lot of blood, sweat and tears to make the introduction video. The next episodes are still being developed, there are just soooo many things I want to make to really create a believable story.

Also, this series is going to be a whole lot different then the last ones. Got my old video editor back, installed a new paint program for better picture quality and editing.

Oh and one last thing. I think you all deserve a quick glimpse at what I am working on now. I hope I didn't spoil too much ;)

New video:

Saturday, March 30, 2013

How to configurate Oblivions Deadly reflex keys

How to configurate Oblivions Deadly reflex keys

(a detailed guide)

 So these are the simple steps you have to follow to change the button controls for the mod Deadly reflex:

First step: 
Follow the location posted in the screenshot ------>
I hope there is no problem in this step.

 Step two:
Open the text document file with your notepad
See the marked yellow lines?
The first four lines are important to change for your button
The other two lines configure the chance of activating a deadly reflex kill! The higher the number the more chance to decapitate (change the value of it from 0-99 maybe even 100)

Now all you have to do is go to the website:
 Find the button and the code and write it down or memorize it.
Go back to your note file
Example: I want a new bash key to z.
I go to "set skycaptainsb. bashkey to" and change the value to 44. Then save it. It should look like this:
 set skycaptainsb. bashkey to 44

That is all. I hope you found this tutorial useful!