
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Time to say goodbye

Don't worry, not forever!

Good evening dear blog browsers, Kaimas 7 here. I want to inform you all that on the 25th of August I will leave my current home and I will move to a bigger city for I am going to university. There is going to be a whole lot of new adjustments for me, so I want to inform you all that I won't have access to my current computer. That means no videos in the nearest future. That might change in the further future if I decide to bring my computer to my new apartment.
I will have a small laptop with me, so I might be able to
make new posts, but there is no chance of making new videos.
I want to thank you all who took time to support my blog and youtube channel by looking at the newest content. I had fun in producing new videos and I hope after this big break I will find new inspiration for new videos. Until that, thank you and I will see you again sometime.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Deadly Reflex: set up momentum bar

It's a simple process

Get yourself those mods:
Hud status bar

Install them. Hud status bar best with oblivion mod manager

Go to
Program Files\Bethesda Softworks\Oblivion\Data\ini
there will be the files: 
DR Hud Status Bars
Hud Status Bars

then copy this text: found in DR Hud status bars

; ===================  Status Bar 0
; Display DR momentum

    set tnoHSB.hud_color to sv_Construct    "HUDcolorOrange"    ; 10, orange
    set tnoHSB.hud_val to sv_Construct    "DrMomemtum"        ; DR´s momemtum global
    set tnoHSB.hud_max to sv_Construct    "100"            ; Max is 100%
    set tnoHSB.hud_x to            0            ; Same x pos as standard bars
    set tnoHSB.hud_y to            70            ; A bit above standard bars so it stands out
    set tnoHSB.hud_min to            1            ; for technical reasons the momentum is min 1
                                    ; Size not given = HUDdefault = standard bar size

    SetStage tnoHSB 10 ; Init status bar 0

now paste this into the end of the file:  Hud Status Bars

 now you will see the deadly reflex momentum bar.
This following method works only for the momentum bars. Other bars take more precise work.
Hope this helped

Gta V vs Saints Row IV. Round two!

 I talked about Saints row 2 and Gta IV, but the battle doesn't stop there!.
In the month of August and September, Rockstar games and Volition Inc. will release each a new game of the series. Saints Row 4 and GTA V.
Turns out Gta V learned from their mistakes, while Saints Row learned to ignore their SR2 fanbase.

So what has Gta V to offer?
new ways to spend your money (buying stocks, real estate)
new San Andreas-level custumization (tattoos, cars, clothes)
hunting, underwater diving, racing, tennis, golf
new ways of doing missions (choices)
three main characters, accessible at any time (even on missions)
a great open world experience with a big map

So what does Saints row 4 promise?
super powers
alien enemies
a lot of new customization elements (cars, clothes)
mech robots
futuristic future stuff like teleporters
crazy sorts of weapons
tons of parodies
basicly everything Saints Row 3 had to offer (it was supposed to be dlc after all)

So the basic evaluation is this: Gta V sticks to it's traditions while giving the players what they want: tons of ways of spending time while not on missions. They realized that physics isn't everything, so they looked up to what San Andreas had to offer.
Saints Row 4 tries to be as crazy as possible. A lot of SR2 fans, including myself, are disappointed by the content because we really wanted more fun, but in a serious way of gameplay. SR 4, however doesn't focus itself on the classic gang life, but on aliens, spaceships and all kinds of ridiculous things.
I am sure there are players who enjoy the crazy stuff, but I am not one of them. For this, I prefer Gta V over SR 4, just because it knows how to deliver the gameplay people want.

It really is disappointing to see a fun, gang based game like SR2 turned to be some kind of alien superpower, US president, dubstep gun lollapalloza.

V wins this battle.

Saints Row 2 vs Gta IV. Fun vs realism

Hello everyone. Today I want to discuss a topic about two famous open world video games: Grand theft Auto and Saints Row.
Mainly...(drumroll) Saints Row 2 and Grand theft Auto 4.
Two great games. Yet, they are different.

Just recently I took the time to beat the main mission of Saints row 2 again, and I want to talk about the superiority of Saints row 2.

So what is the main objective of these two games?
Gta IV features 88 main missions + 46 missions from the dlc's
Saints row 2 features around 41 missions plus several dlc missions
Gta IV focuses on the main story and very little on the side activity.
Saints row 2 focuses a LOT on the side activity and offers great bonuses for completing challenges.

Now since this post is most about my opinion I will not waste time: Saints Row 2 was a better game for me. Sure, I, (like everyone else) was baffled by the open world of Liberty city, and the story was intriguing. However, after you beat the main mission there was practically nothing more for you to do. You could race for a short while, bring in cars for money, but the game itself never let you to chill out. The "realistic physics" ruined the fun in the driving experience and your health meter became your worst enemy.  Sure, dating and the internet was fun, but the lack of car customization and lack of the ability to buy property made Gta IV a dull game where your money couldn't be spend.

So what can I say about Saints Row 2? Since I have beaten it before, this time I did not listen to a single minute of the storyline. But that's good. It didn't ruin the game for me. What did made me happy was the mini mission activities like: the fuzz (you play as a cop and do fun stuff like stop ninjas and pirates from fighting each other), Septic Avenger (you spray properties with shit) and tons of other fun stuff. Car, home customization gave me a feeling of importance to get money.
The missions themselves were also better then Gta IV's. The fact that you could choose which mission to do at any point gave the player a lot of choice how he wants to advance. Either destroy an enemy faction instantaneously, or take every gang slowly apart. The missions involved a lot of destruction and innovative, non repetitive content. Sabotaging enemy gangs was the main objective, but sometimes you also had to save your gang members.

Both games could have certain flaws. But we have to look at it this way: the development of a video game takes a LOT of time and money, so sadly, a video game can't have everything put in it.  Gta IV brought great realism, but sacrificed extra content, Saints Row 2 brought in tons of fun content, but had to limit itself with the length of all the given content like the missions (which is not a big issue. I think the length was perfect, it didn't got boring)

All things said and done, I want to say that Saints Row 2 is much better then Gta IV. Just the fact that I wanted to still play a completed game proves that it has a lot after the main mission value, Gta IV sadly didn't.

I also wanted to compare Saints row 3, but sadly I did not manage to play it for a longer time to correctly evaluate it.
But I do know, that if you haven't played SR 2 or Gta IV yet, then you need to go for SR2.
It's no surprise SR2 is often called San Andreas 2.