
Monday, July 22, 2013

My review: Elsweyr Anequina

Elsweyr Anequina

Elsweyr Anequina is a great mod which adds a new district to Oblivion. After you installed the rather large mod you will be able to explore a big new land. 4 new cities, several settlements, caves, forts, shrines, and beautiful rivers for you to see. Here are the pros and the cons:

I. Very detailed locations
II. Two new guilds you can join (a VERY big positive thing, not a often seen in mods)
III. A lot of np'cs you can interact with. New dialogues.
IV. A LOT of new character models. New custom enemies, rideable elephants!!!, new khajit npc's
V. A lot of new quests. Decent rewards, and the quests are serious.
VI. Good borders so you can directly cross the border with Cyrodiil and even Valenwood.
VII. TONS of new weapons, armors, treasures, food, and alchemic ingredients.
VIII. Almost every interior is furnished
IX. Every city has unique architecture.
X. Friendly monster npc's: a minotaur, leopards, oxes.
XI. Many hours of gameplay. We are talking Shivering Isles level. I am serious.

I. Some interiors aren't furnished (rare occasions).
II.The mod productions has been abandoned sadly, so there won't be any fixes anytime soon.
III. Clipping of items.
IV. Quests and npc's might encounter bugs sometimes. Though I seen it only 1 time.
V. Your game might face lags after installing this mod. Not a perfect mod for low end pc's.

I am glad you read this mod review. If you haven't seen the video presentation then visit my video:


Friday, July 12, 2013

Took some time off

Hey, hey hey

 I'ts Kaimas7, and I uploaded another video. It's still an Oblivion video, it's nothing serious, just  random gameplay that falls under the category "Video game logic". I thought it was hilarious to show how sometimes game developers don't think all things through.
 If someone actually keeps track with my blog then you might have noticed that I didn't post for two weeks or so. Well the reason is that I wanted to take a brake, and most importantly, after I saw that not one person voted in my poll I just though "Hey, why bother?" It's not like anyone cares. The results were 0 so I decided to keep control of this blog up with my 100% control since no one wants to participate. I am over it to be honest.
 For now I am planning on making another short video that showcases the mod "Elsweyr Anequina". It will be basically the same like Valenwood Improved, and of course a blog post with my review.
 After that I am thinking of switching over to Skyrim since Oblivion isn't that exciting anymore, but only Maybe. I found some awesome quest mods for Oblivion, so I might keep making Oblivion videos and reviews. I am just not sure how things will go.
I am also in the work of creating a new separate blog that will focus on some of my research online. I am still gathering material. I decided that I don't want to merge both blogs so they will be separate.
That's it for now.  I will try to make the mod presentation as soon as possible.

Have a nice weekend y'all.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

My review: Valenwood Improved

Valenwood improved

Valenwood improved is a great mod which adds a new district into the Oblivion game. After a quick installation you will be able to go beyond the borders of Cyrodiil and explore the Valenwood district. 8 new cities, many villages, shrines, sightseeing locations, dungeons will be waiting for you. After playing the mod for several days I am glad to explain the pluses and minuses of Valendwood improved.

First, the pluses:
I. The cities in Valendwood improved have an unique layout and some, even new textures.
II. New armors for you to wear.
III. Many npc's in the cities and beyond.
IV. Enemies for you to fight while exploring the map.
V. Several quests for you to do.
VI. Valenwood connects perfectly with Cyrodiil through a border.
VII. A lot of forests for you to hunt in or camp in.

Now for the minuses:
I. Sadly, this mod has never been completed, so there are several things lacking: npc's in the cities in the south of the map
2.several city/village homes aren't furnished
3.the mod itself lacks a lot of details, so after exploring Valenwood you might soon lack interest.
II. translation is good, but not perfect- you might find german titles and words.
III. The mod is abandoned, so it won't be fixed in the future.

Now, you might ask yourself why I would promote Valenwood improved, when clearly it's isn't fully completed. Well, the truth of the matter is that Valenwood still offers a lot of beautiful scenery and a small world to explore in. The lacking details can be annoying, but let's look it at it this way: would you rather explore something new, but unfinished or have an inaccessible part of the map?

Looking at all those factors above I would gladly give Valenwood Improved a 8/10. I am glad I can travel to that place whenever I want rather then having an inaccessible part of the game.

  If you haven't seen the video then go to: