
Friday, July 12, 2013

Took some time off

Hey, hey hey

 I'ts Kaimas7, and I uploaded another video. It's still an Oblivion video, it's nothing serious, just  random gameplay that falls under the category "Video game logic". I thought it was hilarious to show how sometimes game developers don't think all things through.
 If someone actually keeps track with my blog then you might have noticed that I didn't post for two weeks or so. Well the reason is that I wanted to take a brake, and most importantly, after I saw that not one person voted in my poll I just though "Hey, why bother?" It's not like anyone cares. The results were 0 so I decided to keep control of this blog up with my 100% control since no one wants to participate. I am over it to be honest.
 For now I am planning on making another short video that showcases the mod "Elsweyr Anequina". It will be basically the same like Valenwood Improved, and of course a blog post with my review.
 After that I am thinking of switching over to Skyrim since Oblivion isn't that exciting anymore, but only Maybe. I found some awesome quest mods for Oblivion, so I might keep making Oblivion videos and reviews. I am just not sure how things will go.
I am also in the work of creating a new separate blog that will focus on some of my research online. I am still gathering material. I decided that I don't want to merge both blogs so they will be separate.
That's it for now.  I will try to make the mod presentation as soon as possible.

Have a nice weekend y'all.


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