
Sunday, August 25, 2013

Time to say goodbye

Don't worry, not forever!

Good evening dear blog browsers, Kaimas 7 here. I want to inform you all that on the 25th of August I will leave my current home and I will move to a bigger city for I am going to university. There is going to be a whole lot of new adjustments for me, so I want to inform you all that I won't have access to my current computer. That means no videos in the nearest future. That might change in the further future if I decide to bring my computer to my new apartment.
I will have a small laptop with me, so I might be able to
make new posts, but there is no chance of making new videos.
I want to thank you all who took time to support my blog and youtube channel by looking at the newest content. I had fun in producing new videos and I hope after this big break I will find new inspiration for new videos. Until that, thank you and I will see you again sometime.


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