
Sunday, June 22, 2014

Steam summer sale- free steam cash grab! It's over! Let's overview what happened

June 19-30 was the famous time for the pc game market sellout!

And there were a lot of ways to make money!
Steam client, level 8

(Extra requirements)
At least 1 game that supports steam trading cards

These cards you see are valuable, and I mean REAL valuable,

30 euro cents a cards at the moment
14 cents
10 cents
The market changed fast!

The main point of this sale was the
team battle. 5 teams. The members of the teams were able to get free games.

People who contributed by crafting game badges or voting got cards that were quite valuable at times.

Selling cards was a fantastic way to make money for more games.

This was also the perfect time to craft game badges as you got some money for the expenses.

This was the perfect time to craft badges and increase your steam level!
Remember- bigger steam level- more chance to get booster packs!

 The price were fluctuating. Understandable, since cards were given out by voting and many sold their cards off at low prices.

The golden list of things to remember for the next sale, which is the winter sale 2014
1. Just by joining a team you get a steam level
 2. If cards will be given out like this time the prices are bound to crash
3. Buying low and selling high made many users very rich!
4. Don't craft summer adventure badges except if the cards are worth less then you can handle
5. Hoping for a free game giveaway is madness. You are more likely to get a game by selling the cards
6. The team battle was manipulated by members of the gaming community. Only at the end of the summer sale, the balance was restored by allowing the first 3 victor teams free games (60 players a day overall)
7. Wait for the flash sales. Be always patient for a good price.
8. If you have friends who aren't interested in this summer sale. Ask them for the cards or work together.

This is the overview of my first steam sale. Honestly, the competition was fun and exciting and I recommend participating if you are a member of steam.
Thank you for your time, I will keep you updated the next steam sale!


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